Key Stage One News

Growing and learning together

Summer 2 After School Enrichment Clubs

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May 17th, 2024

Summer 2 After School Enrichment Clubs Enrolment for our Summer 2 after school enrichment clubs starts on Monday 20th May and will close on Thursday 24th May. All monies should be sent to the school office with your form. Places are allocated on a first come basis. Should a club be over subscribed, then your child will be added to a waiting list in case a place becomes available. Monies will be returned once a club is filled.

You should receive a text to confirm your child’s place in a club by the end of Thursday 24th May. If a club does not have sufficient numbers to run, the club will be cancelled and monies retu

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Summer 1 After School Enrichment Clubs

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March 24th, 2024

Summer 1 After School Enrichment Clubs Enrolment for our Summer 1 After School Enrichment Clubs starts on Monday 25th March 2024 and closes on Thursday 28th March 2024. Forms have been emailed to parents and a copy is downloadable from the School Story board on Class Dojo. Paper copies are also available from the school office.

There are new after school clubs with Vex Robotics available on a Tuesday to those who took part in this last half term. There is also a lunch time running club on a Thursday for which children in year 4 and 5 have the opportunity to join. We also have lunch time club every lunch time from 12.

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Rescue Force Day with Thrills and Skills for Life

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March 6th, 2024

Rescue Force Day with Thrills and Skills for Life As part of our outdoor learning in PE, Year 1 experienced a ‘Rescue Force’ activity with Thrills and Skills For Life. The children were all so excited and engaged in all activities. Our first mission was to make a mini-hospital. We then had to learn how to camouflage so that we could not be seen in the woodland. (See if you can spot us in the photographs).

We then used a basher to hide under to a ‘drone’ would not find us. We then used the basher to move a friend across the ground.

Feedback from the children has been amazing and they would love to do this

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Easter Family Prize Bingo

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February 26th, 2024

Easter Family Prize Bingo Join us for our next fun Family Prize Bingo night which takes place on Tuesday 26th March 2024. Tickets are now available to purchase until Friday 15th March 2024 or until they are all sold out. Tickets are 50p each for adults and children.

Books on day are 50p for 3 books or £1 for 6 books. Refreshments will be available too, including hot dogs, biscuits, teas, coffees and juices.

We look forward to welcoming you!

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Spring 2 After School Enrichment Clubs

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February 9th, 2024

Spring 2 After School Enrichment Clubs All children were informed what the After School Enrichment clubs are for Spring 2 in Friday’s achievement assembly. Paper copies of the enrolment form are available from the school office and all parents should have received a copy via email. All clubs are £2 per week and will run for four weeks. There will be no clubs on the last week of term.

Year 6 will have SAT clubs on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s in Spring 2 so more clubs will be available to year 6 in Summer 1 term.

Enrolment starts on Monday 12th February and closes on Friday 16th February 2024.

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School Council Trip to Walking With

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December 21st, 2023

School Council Trip to Walking With Walking With in North Tyneside was established in 1999 and is supports asylum seekers and refugees. Walking With provide a range of services and activities to enable people to feel welcomed, safe, and part of our community.

The School Council took food donations collected at school and helped some of the volunteers to put the tins away. The children also helped sort clothes out.

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Thank you!

avatarFoundation Stage
December 21st, 2023

Thank you! Thank you to everyone who donated gifts for Mission Christmas. Redesdale filled 3 trolleys! These gifts will be donated to children in North Tyneside. ??

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Spring 1 After School Enrichment Clubs

avatarFoundation Stage
December 18th, 2023

Spring 1  After School Enrichment Clubs Parents have been emailed the enrolment form for Spring 1 After School Enrichment clubs. You can start to sign up for clubs after Christmas on Tuesday 9th January 2024. All clubs are £2 per week and run for 5 weeks. (Only 4 weeks for Monday clubs due to Valentines Disco on 12th February 2024).

Paper copies of the form will be available from the school office. Deadline for signing up is Friday 12th January 2024.

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Family Prize Bingo Night

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December 18th, 2023

Family Prize Bingo Night A massive thank you to everyone who attended our Family Prize Bingo night and who bought tickets to win one of our 17 hampers.  We sold 133 tickets for the event and the feedback has been very positive so thank you. Thank you to all the staff who supported the event after school and who organised the hampers and raffle. Well done Mr Carruthers for hosting and calling the numbers. The event raised over £450 for FORPS.


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Mission Christmas

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November 21st, 2023

Mission Christmas MISSION CHRISTMAS!

Mission Christmas is here to enable children living in poverty so that they receive special gifts for Christmas.

Our School Council are looking for donations of new and unwrapped gifts suitable for children and young people aged 0 to 18. See the attached pictures for gift ideas.

If you are able to support this mission, please bring any gifts to the school office before Friday 15th December. These will then be donated and sent out to benefit the children in North Tyneside.

You can also donate to Mission Christmas via

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